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" ...les odieuses sœurs s’en donnent notamment à cœur joie : la voix pétillante et le jeu malicieux de Moreno Hayworth (Clorinda)..."
"... the odious sisters gave themselves to their heart's content: the sparkling voice and malicious portrayal of Moreno-Hayworth (Clorinda)..."
- Bachtrack
" This production is funny, beautifully sung and dramatically performed, with stand out performances from Nurse Lola Markham, Karlene Hayworth..."
"À noter la brillante interprétation de Karlene Moreno Hayworth, qui jouait la servante Despina. Très présente sur scène, naturelle, soliste de talent, la jeune femme a su jouer avec assurancee ce personnage, qui connaît la et le humains!
"To note the brilliant interpretation of Karlene Moreno Hayworth, who played the servant Despina... Very present on stage, natural, talented soloist, the young lady performed with confidence of the character, who knows of life and people!"
- Le Courrier de L'Ouest
"Karlene, soprano à la voix sublime..."
"Karlene, a soprano with a sublime voice..."
- Ouest-France.Fr
" Karlene Moreno-Hayworth has a rich, but well-focussed, soprano voice and gave a spellbinding account of the lovely ‘Pie Jesu’..."
" ...vocal soloists Karlene Moreno-Hayworth, Lisa Coates, Alexander Pidgen and Howard Thompson were first-rate, Karlene having opportunities to soar on memorable lines..."
" Papageno... met his match with Karlene Moreno-Hayworth's spirited Papagena..."
- Opera Magazine
"The evening belongs to Karlene Moreno-Hayworth’s Cio Cio San... she sings with beautiful lyricism... her performance is moving here, it is far more so as her tragedy unfolds. Looking every inch the troubled teenager, trying desperately to find cause for hope, she brings a delicate intensity to her singing..."
"Moreno-Hayworth is his peachy-sounding love interest "
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